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B、Б. Контейнерные железнодорожные перевозки поездом « SongUz Центральная Азия»


Преимущества железнодорожных поездов FCL для пяти стран Центральной Азии. Планируется, что вагоны дополнят поезда. Основными пунктами отправления являются станции Иу, Чжэнчжоу, Сиань и Уши. Железнодорожные перевозки безопасны, эффективны и более экономичны. Профессиональная команда документальных фильмов проведет вас до конца. Не беспокойтесь.


Central Asia Railway and Trucking Booking Procedures and Precautions


Freight To UZBEK Logistics CO., LTD is a logistics company specializing in full container load and less than container load shipments to Uzbekistan, offering railway, trucking, air freight, and dangerous goods handling services, as well as railway and trucking transportation to Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan. 


Before placing an order, please pay attention to the following points:

1. 客户与颂乌兹公司业务人员沟通,提供大概品名,重量,体积,工厂位置,到达车站地点,提供报价,以便让最终客户核算成本,并根据时效以及运输成本推荐合适的运输方案。------了解客户是成本为主还是时效为主。

1. Communication with Freight To UZBEK Logistics CO., LTD: To obtain accurate quotes and tailored transportation plan recommendations, customers should provide essential information, including approximate product name, weight, volume, factory location, and destination station. Determine whether the customer prioritizes cost or time efficiency.

2. 客户同意价格和运输方案后,提供报关资料和清关预审。-------防止在运输过程中,由于文件产生不必须的麻烦。

2. Once the customer agrees to the price and transportation plan, they should supply the necessary customs documentation and pre-clearance information to avoid delays or complications during transportation.

3. 如果客户同意走中亚班列,按照以下铁路订舱流程对接,我司有专业的跟单人员全程跟进服务。

3. If the customer opts for the Central Asia Train Express, adhere to the railway booking procedures outlined below. Our company offers professional document tracking personnel to ensure seamless follow-up service throughout the entire process.


After the customer confirms the space, they need to provide a booking authorization letter, which should include:


Shipper Details: Company Name, Address, Contact Information, and Contact Person (in both Chinese and English)


1. Consignee Details: Company name, address, phone number, and email address (in English).


2.Destination station, container return location, container type (FCL/LCL), container quantity, operational contact information, need for transshipment, need for warehousing and container loading, and need for customs clearance services.


3. General cargo category, product name, and weight (to facilitate the proper arrangement of transport vehicles).

4、订舱客户的信息:因财务出账单对账需要,订舱的客人还需提供国内公司的信息:中文公司名、地址、联系人、联系电话 。

4. Booking Customer's Information: For financial billing and reconciliation purposes, customers must provide domestic company information, including the Chinese company name, address, contact person, and contact phone number.

5、退仓 :操作收到托书之后,回复客人订舱情况。确认仓位已经订好,客人要尽量避免临时退仓,如需退仓要在发车前7-8天和操作确认。临时退仓会收取亏舱费用

5. Cancellation Policy: Upon receiving the booking authorization letter, the customer will be informed of the booking status. Customers should avoid last-minute cancellations once the space is confirmed. If a cancellation is necessary, it must be confirmed with the operations team 7-8 days before departure. Late cancellations may incur additional charges.


